
Welcome to Kids Playgrounds Singapore!

Ever since I stopped work to be a full time doctoral student and stay-at-home mum in mid 2010, I've been taking my little boy all over Singapore to explore outdoor and indoor playgrounds that we've not visited before, some are popular spots, some obscure. As Jerome and I visit more and more places, I thought other parents might benefit if I did a write up on them so they can decide if it's worthwhile a visit for some fun and good family time. And if parents visit these places, they can have some idea of what to expect, based on the sharing of our experiences.

As I continue to read up research and complete my doctoral thesis on infant-toddler and child development, I figured this would be a great place for me to share in layman terms what I discovered about getting the foundation right for a baby/toddler/preschooler's social-emotional and cognitive development so that our children will get a good and healthy headstart when they enter their formal school years. See the link below on some nuggets of research advice on bringing up baby/toddler:

1. infant-toddler development topics: how baby learns, school readiness for babies:preparing for ABCs, socio development - what baby needs, cognitive & languague development, routine 'prime' learning times.

2. Infant Toddler Resource blog topics: childhood is not a race, will it ever get better (on early childhood teaching), the noble job of educaring, quality interactions - where can i find them?, what's the real problem in early childhood education in singapore.


I also run a small side business (now that I've completed my Phd, must start earning my keeps!)distributing some baby and kids stuff that Jerome used and we found good - e.g. Korean premium non-toxic playmats and balance bikes. check out www.terrifictikes.com if interested :-)

Cynthia, Phd (Early Childhood Education - infant-toddler development: yes, finally obtained my doctorate :-)
Nov 2012
My cheerful and happy baby at 1 year.

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